Dark Legacy :: manual races Succubus

Vile seducers with bat like wings.
An alluring race of unearthly beauty with demonic bat-like wings sprouting from
their backs, Succubi and Incubi hail from the plane of nightmares, but often
enter the realm of mortals to sample its delights. Succubi and Incubi take
sensual delight in almost everything and are notorious for confusing lust with
love. Folklore dictates that there is a dark relation between the carnal
activities of both Succubi and Incubi, and it is said children born from
relations with an Incubi are especially susceptible to demonic influence. With
some exceptions, most Succubi and Incubi have a hard time controlling their
carnal urges and are only tolerated in the shadier parts of town. Only a small
percentage take to adventuring; hoping to find new delights to sample.
- automatically speak common and sylvan.
- +2 strength, +2 dexterity, +4 charisma.
- +5 magic resistance.
- innate spells: charm person, drain.
- height: 60 to 66 inches
- weight: 150 to 165 pounds.