Dark Legacy :: manual races Pixie

A winged race, small of stature and with keen minds.
Pixies hail from the deepest and most enchanted forests of Alora. Gossamer
winged faeries, pixies stand less than two feet in height. Their wings, skin
and hair color vary from among all the colors of the rainbow, reflecting their
expressive personalities. Pixies follow their childlike whim oblivious to all
consequences. Pixies are notorious lawbreakers, and are often found breaking
the restrictive laws of the human world for the sake of a good prank. However,
this does not mean pixies as a race are evil. Pixies have a strong feeling for
wrong or right. Regardless of their reputation, pixies usually integrate well
with society. Their irrational, poetic, absurd, mystical and paradoxical nature
fascinates many. Superstition has created a haven for pixies in the human
world, where they are flooded with offerings for protection and good luck.
Pixies often choose the calling of magic and excel especially in the arts of
the mage, for the magical understanding of the pixie knows no equal.
- automatically speak common and sylvan.
- polymorph into a humanoid child at will (kinshape).
- magical flight.
- +2 to all magical complexities.
- +4 dexterity, +3 charisma.
- -4 strength, -2 constitution, -2 wisdom.
- height: 24 to 26 inches
- weight: 40 to 44 pounds.