Dark Legacy :: manual races Orc

large, squat and smelly; make exceptionally deadly warriors.
Orcs are large with broad bodies. A ridged brow crowned by bushy eyebrows
conceals small, squinting eyes. Their nose is snout-like, and their mouths are
large, with crooked fangs. They generally have dark skin, which emanates a
rancid odor. Although some have dabbled in the mystical arts due to a great
thirst for power, most orcs are warriors. Brutal combat is the natural call
that stirs in the heart of an orc. Long ago, as if steered by a dark hand, the
brutal orc armies once flooded over into the nations of good, carving a
permanent image of orcish violence into the minds of the people. Although
controlled by a great mage then, orcs today still raid the civilizations of
Alora, albeit on a small scale. Orcs tend to use any advantage they can get;
they fight dirty, do not follow any rules of war, and enjoy setting ambushes.
Orcs have no use for politics and diplomacy; they oppress their underlings and
rule by fear alone. Orcs that try to live outside their territory usually find
themselves scorned, and constantly fighting for a place in society.
- automatically speak common and orcish.
- -1 to all magical complexities.
- take no extra damage for being in an aggressive or berserk combat style.
- erupt in a feral rage when close to death.
- +4 damage reduction per non epic level.
- +3 strength, -3 charisma.
- +1 damage reduction every 10 epic levels until e1000.
- height: 93 to 102 inches
- weight: 255 to 280 pounds.