Dark Legacy :: manual arena

Arena games
- Introduction
There are actually two Arenas in Dark Legacy. One arena is for
1 on 1 battle, the other for both serious and wacky Teamplay.
You do not lose experience when you die or flee in the 1 on 1 arena.
- 1 on 1 arena
- To use the 1 on 1 arena, A player may
' another player to do battle, even when one is deadly and the other is not.
Team Arena Games
- Introduction
- Team arena games are run every hour or so, and are announced
globally. To join an arena game, type '
'. You do not lose experience when you die or flee in any of the team arenas. - Hazard-Hamster
- An exploding hamster is randomly placed on one of the players. It explodes when it stays with a player too long. The only way to get rid of it is to pass the hamster to someone else. The hamster cannot be passed back to the giver for 5 seconds. Winner is the last one standing.
- Team Hazard-Hamster
- As Hazard-Hamster, but take care not to pass the hamster to your teammates! The team that eliminates all the other teams wins the game.
- Team Tag
- The players are divided in up to four teams. The objective is
to '
' all the enemy teammembers. Tagging an enemy teammember prevents them from moving or tagging. Tagging your teammates releases them. The team that tags all the enemy teammembers wins the game. - Last Man Standing
- You attack everyone in the field. The objective is to be the last person alive on the field.
- Team War
- The players are divided in up to four teams. The objective is to elliminate all the other teams.
- Celeball
- A ball is placed somewhere in the arena. The objective is to hold the ball as long as possible and evade the other players, lest they kill you and take it for their own.