Harvesting crafts
- Mining
The process or business of extracting ore or minerals from the ground. Miners on Alora mine for stone blocks, ores and gems like granite, copper and diamonds, and sell them to stonecarvers and smiths, who use them for their craft.
The process or business of extracting ore or minerals from the ground. Miners on Alora mine for stone blocks, ores and gems like granite, copper and diamonds, and sell them to stonecarvers and smiths, who use them for their craft.
You can mine on the world map. You need a 'mining pick' in your inventory, which you can get from player smiths, or from the equipment shop in Tarsonis. Type '
mine [direction]
' while underground, or 'mine down' on the world map, and start mining! Your skill defines how much ore you can extract, and how many picks you break. Some types of ore are harder to extract from the ground.Make sure you reinforce the location you are mining at. '
mine reinforce
', to prevent it from collapsing. When you get caught in a cavein, all your equipment is crushed!- Common: You can mine mediocre amounts of ore, stones and gemstones
- Specialism: You are trained at mining more of a specific group, for example, 'gemstones'.
- Mastery: You are unmatched in mining for a specific resource, for example, 'diamonds'.
- Foraging
To wander in search of food or provisions.
forage [options]
' can be used to gather mushrooms, plants, flowers, herbs, fruits, insects, and condiments from the world map. You can Note that there is a limited supply of items you can forage from any one location, and that what you can gather depends on the locale. (You will only find banana's in the jungle, etc.).- Common: You can forage mediocre amounts of items.
- Specialism: You are trained at finding and harvesting a specific group of items, for example, 'fruits'.
- Mastery: You are unmatched in gathering a specific item, for example, 'apples'.
- Fishing
Using the fishing craft and a fishing rod, you can attempt to
reel in fish on the world map ('
'). There are 125+ different types of fish, all of them nutritious, and some even valuable. On a rare occasion you might reel in junk or treasure. Always check the contents of bottles, as they might contain treasure maps! Note that fish population will drop if you fish in the same place for too long. Pearls can be used for brewing magical potions.Only ATTENDED fishing is allowed, botting will result in account termination.
- Common: You can fish mediocre amounts of common fish.
- Specialism: You fish for rare fish, and occasionally find a pearl
- Mastery: You fish for rare fish, find pearls, and even the rare treasure map! Your skill defines the value of the treasure map.
- Woodcutting
One who fells trees and transports the timber to a mill; a
logger. These strong workers chop down trees and gather the
wooden logs, processing them down to wooden boards to sell them
to woodcarvers.
You need to be in an forested area on the world map, with any axe in your backpack or in your hands. Type '
' to start lumberjacking. Note that foraging in the same place for too long will deplete the forests at that location.- Common: You can collect enough wood from a tree as the next man.
- Specialism: You are skilled at navigating a specific forest type, and you know which trees to avoid if you want some good wood.
- Mastery: You know a certain tree type like the back of your hand, and your ability to pick out the right trees is legendary.
Processing crafts
- Refining
- The '
' command turns raw resources into usable and liftable versions. Ore become ingots using a forge. uncut leather becomes cut leather using scissors, cotton becomes cloth using a loom, uncut gems become cut using mining tools, clay becomes bricks using a furnace, granite is cut into blocks using a diamond saw and wooden logs become planks using a saw. You can get most of the equipment for the crafts in the Tarsonis Toolshop.
Creation Crafts
- Smithing
One that forges and shapes iron with an anvil and hammer.
Blacksmiths are capable of crafting shields, armours, weapons
and jewellery, as well as the tools needed for the other
Typing '
' will give you a self-explanatory menu, that will guide you through creation.Note that for some items, it will ask you to specify the items level you wish to create. The higher the level, the lower the chance of crafting that item. Note that adding an 'e' before the level allows you to make epic level items, that can only be used by epic characters.
- Common: You can craft all the items... but none are really special.
- Specialism: You are skilled at crafting high quality items of a specific group, which can hold more enchantment, are tougher, and are generally stronger.
- Mastery: You are a master in a certain item type. Your items are sought after by everyone for their exceptional quality.
- Bonecarving
One that shapes bone with a chisel and a knife. Bonecarvers are
capable of crafting shields, armours, weapons, furniture,
statues and figurines from bone.
Typing '
' will give you a self-explanatory menu, that will guide you through creation.Note that for some items, it will ask you to specify the items level you wish to create. The higher the level, the lower the chance of crafting that item. Note that adding an 'e' before the level allows you to make epic level items, that can only be used by epic characters.
- Common: You can craft all the items... but none are really special.
- Specialism: You are skilled at crafting high quality items of a specific group, which can hold more enchantment, are tougher, and are generally stronger.
- Mastery: You are a master in a certain item type. Your items are sought after by everyone for their exceptional quality.
- Cooking
This allows you to prepare numerous dishes by combining
ingredients. You can make pies, sauces, soups, puddings, rolls,
cookies, cakes and even ice-creams, if you master the correct
magic. Optionally you can cook, bake, steam, fry or mash your
favourite foodstuffs. its also possible to make high quality
juices, wines, ales, and even liquors. Note that barrels with
alcoholic beverages get better over time, so put them in a
dusty place to settle... You can use cooking alchemy to make
certain dye related objects. You can extract the pigments from
coloured items and make dyes from them. You need Hydromancy to
make ice-cream. Typing '
' will give you a self explanatory menu, that will guide you through creation.- Common: You are a capable cook... most of the time.
- Specialism: You excel at cooking or brewing drinks.
- Mastery: Your pies are legendary!
- Leatherworking
A sharp knife in one hand, tough leather in the other.
Leatherworkers are capable of crafting shields, armours,
weapons, and containers. Typing '
' will give you a self-explanatory menu, that will guide you through creation.Note that for some items, it will ask you to specify the items level you wish to create. The higher the level, the lower the chance of crafting that item. Note that adding an 'e' before the level allows you to make epic level items, that can only be used by epic characters.
- Common: You can craft all the items... but none are really special.
- Specialism: You are skilled at crafting high quality items of a specific group, which can hold more enchantment, are tougher, and are generally stronger.
- Mastery: You are a master in a certain item type. Your items are sought after by everyone for their exceptional quality.
- Stonecarving
Dressing, shaping, or working in stone, the stoneworker uses
hammer and chisel to create Weapons, furniture, figurines or
tools. Typing '
' will give you a self-explanatory menu, that will guide you through creation.Note that for some items, it will ask you to specify the items level you wish to create. The higher the level, the lower the chance of crafting that item. Note that adding an 'e' before the level allows you to make epic level items, that can only be used by epic characters.
- Common: You can craft all the items... but none are really special.
- Specialism: You are skilled at crafting high quality items of a specific group, which can hold more enchantment, are tougher, and are generally stronger.
- Mastery: You are a master in a certain item type. Your items are sought after by everyone for their exceptional quality.
- Tailoring
One that makes, repairs, and alters garments such as suits,
coats, and dresses, the tailor is a master of needle and
scissors. Typing '
' will give you a self-explanatory menu, that will guide you through creation.Note that for some items, it will ask you to specify the items level you wish to create. The higher the level, the lower the chance of crafting that item. Note that adding an 'e' before the level allows you to make epic level items, that can only be used by epic characters.
- Common: You can craft all the items... but none are really special.
- Specialism: You are skilled at crafting high quality items of a specific group, which can hold more enchantment, are tougher, and are generally stronger.
- Mastery: You are a master in a certain item type. Your items are sought after by everyone for their exceptional quality.
- Woodcarving
Dressing, shaping, or working in wood, the woodcarver uses
delicate tools to create Weapons (like bows), armors,
furniture, figurines or tools.
Typing '
' will give you a self-explanatory menu, that will guide you through creation.Note that for some items, it will ask you to specify the items level you wish to create. The higher the level, the lower the chance of crafting that item. Note that adding an 'e' before the level allows you to make epic level items, that can only be used by epic characters.
- Common: You can craft all the items... but none are really special.
- Specialism: You are skilled at crafting high quality items of a specific group, which can hold more enchantment, are tougher, and are generally stronger.
- Mastery: You are a master in a certain item type. Your items are sought after by everyone for their exceptional quality.
- Expert
These are some specialisms which require more dedication than
the other crafts. All these specialisms are members of the same
craft: Expert.
- Reforge
- Allows skilled Enhancers to take apart a metal item, and
reconstruct it using a different type of metal. For example,
a bronze chainmail reforged using mitrill provides better
protection and halves its weight. Both the skill needed and
the cost for reforging an item raise with the items level and
size. Use the '
' command to reforge. - Sharpen
- Allows crafters to use their skill to sharpen a weapon. A
sharpened weapon does more damage. The skill needed in
sharpening an item rise with the items level and the
sharpness of the weapon. You can damage an item when you are
sharpening it. When you damage it too much the weapon is
destroyed. Use the '
' command to sharpen.
Enchantment craft
- Enchanting
Enchanting uses the will of the enchanter to imbue a crafted
item with magical energies.
To enchant an item, you need one item to enchant, and one item to drain. By enchanting you 'heave' the power from one item to the next, destroying the drained item in the process. You can select the power you want to 'heave' yourself.
You can enchant 90% of a crafted item's max enchantment without having to pay glory. Non-crafted items, and enchanting the second half of a crafted item, costs glory (Keep your eye on the enchantment menu. When a glory amount is specified, -it will cost glory!!-. Each item has its own 'maximum enchantment', which can be seen when you identify it. Special and Exceptional crafted items have a far higher enchantment then normal items.
Typing '
' will give you a self-explanatory menu, that will guide you through enchantment.- Enchanting potions
- You can use enchant to enchant a fluid container, changing it to a healing potion, mana potion or even exploding potion, depending on the pearl added. Note that the size of the container doesn't matter, so its best to use a large barrel filled from cooking.
- Enchanting jewellery
Smithing allows you to forge jewellery. When you use the
forge command to make jewelry, it will ask you to specify a
gemstone. Note that you need to use at least metal of a
certain value compared to the gemstone used. Silver for
Citrine, Carnalian and Garnet, Gold for Topaz, Sapphire,
Zircon and Obsidian, Mitrill for Diamond and Jade, and
meteorite for Blue Diamond.
Crafted Jewellery can be imbued (enchanted) with a prism spell, provided you are capable of casting that spell. The gemstone in the jewel will define what size spells can be contained, how many charges the jewel has, and how fast Jewellery imbued with such a spell recharges. Note that jewellery only recharges when worn.